During the Touring Indonesia Harmoni trip, from Aceh to Papua, one of the most frequently encountered are...
Kamaruzzaman Bustamam Ahmad
Ketika kami menginap di Sebabi, kehadiran kami pun sudah diketahui oleh seoarang anak muda, yang merupakan putera...
This essay is my research on the world’s future history. I am interested in discussing the world’s...
In this essay I want to discuss the intelligence situation in Indonesia. Here the meaning of intelligence...
During Ramadan, digital life and television will “convert to Islam.” Advertising has returned to being “more Islamic.”...
 Introduction Artificial intelligence quickly overtakes what we know about human consciousness and our place in the world,...
 This essay will explain how political culture. The definition of political culture is: “the norms, beliefs, and values...
In this essay, I want to discuss what happened in Indonesia after Jokowi was no longer the...
 The term cosmopolitan is not so well understood in Aceh. Because this term rarely appears in societies...
    In this essay, there are three keywords, namely life, culture, and adat, linked to the concept of...